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Our members

The Institution currently has a global membership of around 30,000 engineers in over 105 countries. However, only companies employing at least one Chartered or Incorporated Member of the Institution can appear on

There are a number of routes to Chartered and Incorporated Membership, all of which are equally demanding.

In the main, prospective members must have the necessary academic qualifications, usually an engineering degree, as well as sufficient, appropriate professional experience before they can apply to sit a rigorous, seven-hour long exam, the pass rate for which is 35-40%. On passing the exam, members qualify for Chartered or Incorporated-Membership and the designatory letters MIStructE or AMIStructE.

IStructE Limited
47-58 Bastwick Street, London, EC1V 3PS
Tel: +44 (0)20 7235 4535
Fax: +44 (0)20 7235 4294 is operated by IStructE Ltd, a limited company (registered Company Number 2444141) whose registered office is as listed above.
IStructE Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Institution of Structural Engineers (Registered Charity Number 233392)

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